Yes, I know this post is actually happening in April and these photos are of winter time. And in Ohio we've been waiting and waiting and waiting for spring to come. However, these are just too fun not to post. This is just part 1 of all the playing we did in the snow...
kids and babies
A shower of love for Jess and Baby X – North Olmsted Photographer
I was excited for Jessica's shower for two reasons. First, it was a welcoming of my beatiful friend into the tribe of motherhood and secondly, it was an opportunity to play with my new Nikon D600. You'll see that I took a lot of images and many still didn't get...
Tyler’s Sneak Peek | Oberlin,OH Portrait Photography
A little something for the little man who let me take his photo on Saturday. Tyler is such a sweet boy, and has loving and fun parents. Not to mention, they were super cool and came to visit me when I lived in Florida. Yeah, these are my friends and their boy : )
A big pink flower on her hat
Stella 3 months – Amherst Ohio Family Photographer
[photoshelter-gallery g_id='G0000wM4uZUTJfWI' g_name='Baby-Stella' img_title='casc' pho_credit='iptc' f_link='f' f_enable_embed_btn='t' f_send_to_friend_btn='t' f_fullscreen='t' f_htmllinks='t' f_mtrx='t' fsvis='f' width='900' height='662' bgcolor='#ffffff'...
Baby Ava’s Christmas Picture – Elyria, OH photographer
She was trying to be shy, trying to act like she didn't like the camera. It was a good act too, she had me, her mama and her nana working hard. But when this little girl opened up, she was the brightest little star in the room!

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