Yes, I know this post is actually happening in April and these photos are of winter time. And in Ohio we've been waiting and waiting and waiting for spring to come. However, these are just too fun not to post. This is just part 1 of all the playing we did in the snow...
just for fun
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Know that you are beautiful. Know that you don't have to compare yourself to anyone. Know that you are made in God's image, and he knows every need you have Know that He can and will fulfill those needs. Know that you should spoil yourself from time to time. Know that...
Santa and pancakes for the kiddos
What could possibly go better together than kids, pancakes and a lot of Christmas cheer? This was our fourth year for the annual pancakes with Santa breakfast with the South Amherst FD and this time I brought the camera : ) It was a planned part of the morning and the...
Quick afternoon photo-shoot with my daughter

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